Month: May 2024

Task 1

Task  Description: Today well i was at my dusk i needed to work on my things so i needed to blog this and it took me 15 mins to do which is not pretty long but i tried my best.

Task 2

Task Description: Today at school for my maths me and my classmate was doing our work then me and her was done but it only took 8 mins but it was pretty easy  when i got it. thank you from looking at my blog.


Task Description: when it was April i was so happy about ANZAC then when i come back from the holidays my teacher told us to work on this and it was really fun because i like drawing.

Forget Friday

Task Description: today at school I was doing my reading with my group. And then my reading teacher miss sio said to do this then I was working with my group and then we was finished then I started to blog this. Thank you from looking at my blog.